

  • Where can I sign a waiver?

    You will actually be completing our waiver by signing digitally through the personalized link provided to you from your reservation confirmation email.

  • Can I send my digital waiver to other members of my party?

    You may forward your waiver link to all members in your reservation. Everyone can sign as “Friend of”. If you have multiple reservations, you can simply forward one link and everyone can sign on that one reservation link.

  • Will everyone in my party have to sign the waiver?

    Yes, every participant needs a completed waiver. 

  • What if someone in my party is under the age of 18?

    If a participant is under the age of 18, their parent (or legal guardian) must also agree to and sign the Southeast waiver.

We have provided this PDF version if you want to complete your waiver in paper form.

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